This is how Spencer spent her whole day as Max's houseguest. Being a total brat.
After screaming her head off since 4am, Spencer hid in the shower cubicle of the guest bathroom. That was when I found her at 11am.
She continued to whimper, cry, complain and scream her head off. Max was trying so hard to be friendly but Spencer kept hissing at him. I thought it was best not to fuss over her, so I went to unpack the catfood. Spencer pee in the empty carton box, even though she has her own litter bin in the bathroom. The bloody urine dripped everywhere. After I cleaned up the kitchen, she vomitted bile juice at the lounge. She jumped on the table and went around the house, still screaming. She hid under the bed and got dust bunnies all over herself.
I found an empty shelf at the bottom of the wardrobe, so Spencer finally settled down in it with her towel and my old shirt.
I bathed and groomed Max, and Spencer fell asleep from 12 noon to 4pm. She started to whine again but without as much intensity, and fell asleep again. She didn't want food, treats or water. Poor Max didn't get a wink of sleep for the whole day. He kept staying in the same room as Spencer, even though she kept her distance. Max chattered to her, maybe trying to comfort her, but I doubt if Spencer was in an state to respond. And Max was very interested in her food and water bowls.
Spencer was still sleeping when we were getting ready to take her home. My bedroom is ready so she can hid under my bed tomorrow when the painters come. She whimpered on the way home, but fell asleep as we neared the destination. Maybe she knew she was on the way back.
She was quite excited when we opened the cage, sniffing and investigating. She ate her biscuits with tears in her eyes, scratched on her scratchboard and had a long pee. Now she seems to have relaxed and is getting ready for bed after her medications.
Looking at her now, one wouldn't have guessed she was such a horrid brat this afternoon. And i doubt Max, bless his kind heart and sweet temper, would even want her as a houseguest again!
Hat and Mera did drop by during the day, I hope they are alright.
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