Another rainy day....but I think it will cease by tomorrow. It had been chilly, but at least the rain drops covered most noises in the neighbourhood.
I had to reach work by 9am today, and couldn't leave until 7pm. By the time I reached Smokey's, it was already 8.30pm. The other carer who was supposed to take over the 9th onwards schedule, was here. She left a note for Smokey's owner, claiming that Smokey et al hasn't been eating for 4 days. And she found poo on the kitchen floor, twice. Luckily I had been feeding them since the 2nd, or the cats would have been starved. As for the poo, I didn't see it. Except for a pile of vomit last night. The carer asked the owner to give her a ring when she comes back, so obviously she is not going to turn up again. Tsk.
Smokey kept rubbing against me, and was asking for tummy rubs. When I didn't do it, he bit my leg to get my attention. I gave both of them lots of cuddles. Missy was relaxed enough to lie down in front of me, and Smokey licked her head. But Missy didn't dare to be too affectionate to me, when Smokey was looking on. Smokey tried to stop me from leaving. Poor cats!
Hat was very hungry, one can didn't seem to be enough. I asked him to eat biscuits to fill himself up. Later I gave him a hug. Spencer saw it, and was staring at Hat. Hat took fright, and ran away from the house at high speed through the window. Interesting. Spencer didn't make a sound, but Hat was intimidated.

Oh dear... which cat is throwing cat? Any idea why?
~5-Cat Style
ermr no....maybe it was a fur ball....
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