Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Good luck for the hair cut, Max! One last look at Max in his full glory.

I probably won't be able to get a photo of the end result until 26th. Posted by Picasa


At 12:52 pm, Blogger Lithium Princess said...

Hmmm from the look on Max's face I think he knows something is going on. He seems to sense it. I hope the other cats "don't let the cat out of the bag" so to speak. ha ha

He'll be ok he'll just need lots of flattery. It's funny that cats do realize how they look & are so proud when they're pretty. But he'll feel better & probably will stop sulking in a day or two. (I hope)

Sorry you're getting sick. You sound like you're very busy taking care of all the cats, you should take care of yourself as well.

My real name is Debbie by the way.

Take care of yourself,

At 10:25 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Dear Debbie, thank you for your concern. The cats are not taking much of my time at all, it is my job that is tiring me out. Max is OK afterall, I am so relieved.


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