I was at the garden and Mera appeared from the bushes. I gave him back and tummy rub, and brought some biscuits for him. He was whimpering as he followed me. I think his ownner is not giving him breakfast again. Mera finished the one container of biscuits, and had a wash, as if after a main meal. Poor Mera. Later he disappeared back into another bushes again.

hey Cat aunty! Thanks for visiting my site.I just wanted to tell you that my friend clare has a great site at www.eatstuff.net and she has a beautiful year old grey burmese cat (not sure if stil called a kitten?) called kiri. Most importantly, she has a webring called "weekend cat blogging" where you can give her your link and your cats pic for the week and people will come visit you and your ats and you can go and see theirs. Hope you will find some new cat loving friends there.
Dear Rachel, believe it or not, I visit eatstuff.net daily! But being a computer idiot, I still have not worked out the permalink business. Haha.
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