I was reading outside, as the sun was strong. Spencer had been tailing Hat for the whole morning, glaring at him. After that I continued reading, and didn't see where Hat had gone to. Next door neighbour came out to hang her laundry, and I heard her asking the dog Dodo, to come out and look at the cats. Dodo, of course, refused to move. Then I heard the neighbour spoke in hokkien: "Eh if you don't move, how am I going to collect my laundry?" I looked up, and saw Hat sleeping on the clean towel, waiting to be collected! I immediately removed Hat, gave him a smack, and apologised. The neighbour said she didn't dare to touch Hat, and she apologised profusely for disturbing Hat's nap!! She kept saying bu hao yi si to Hat. Then she laid out another towel, and told Hat to sleep on that. The towel was damp, so of course Hat ran back into the house. This lady is real funny.
Spencer had been grumbling, as I was at home. She had finally fallen asleep on the sofa. She chased Hat out of the house just now. It was raining, so of course Hat had nowhere to go, except the store room.

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