Another question. Why do cats get so obsessed so boxes that they must squeeze into one, which is much too small for them? Surely their whiskers would have told them so?
Saw Mera and Auntycat on the way to work. Auntycat had been missing for 3 days, so it was good to see her safe and sound. Mera was sitting on his dad's motorbike. I gave biscuits to both of them.
I reached home at 3pm, and was shaking my keys to call for Hat. He didn't turn up, but Auntycat did. It started to drizzle, then rained heavily. I fed Auntycat next to the bicycles. I waited for Hat but he didn't appear. 20 minutes later, he came up by himself, all wet too. Now he is in the store room with Spencer.

Hahaha! Spencer snoozes in the funniest positions.
Cat Aunty, will you be joining us at the gathering this Sun?
~5-Cat Style
Ha ha I don't think Spencer has realized she's gained weight. I wouldn't tell her either it may hurt her feelings.
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