This morning Hat was singing outside at 7am. I was surprised, that he would call attention to himself. He was here last night too, at 11pm. He didn't stay. This morning, since I didn't appear, he left. Max sang seconds before my alarm rang.
After breakfast, he kicked the little ball which I made from foil last night, and had a good work-out. He likes to play after breakfast and dinner. Then he fell asleep next to the water bowl. He sill has discharges from his eyes, but not as bad as before. The main thing is to keep cleaning and cleaning with soft sponge and wet cloths.
I had put out more water bowls for Spencer, because if Max is sleeping there, doubt she wants to go near him, then her urinary problem will flare up again. She is OK with Max, as long as he doesn't run towards her or approach her. Now Spencer practically lives on the kitchen table.
Saw Mera at the garden, so gave him some food. Hat still has that squinting eye, and refused to let me touch it. At least now he eats as per normal in the store room, even with Max prowling outside.
Another humid day.

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