Saturday, April 15, 2006

Here Spencer trying to squeeze into a box half her size, just to prove that she still got it.

It has stopped raining, finally. Max slept with me last night, Spencer at the other room. Max is well, putting on weight, his coat has improved, and I didn't have the urge to wipe his face when I saw him. He is happy as anything, exploring, playing and looking outside.

Spoencer was tolerant towards him, as long as he doesn't come too close, or run towards her during one of his soccer games.

Poor Max was singing at 6am, but didn't get to eat until 9am. I saw a pile of vomit on the kitchen table, and thought it was Spencer's handiwork. On closer examination, I saw long fur, it belonged to Max.

Auntycat, BH2 and Mera had eaten. Hat didn't manage to finish his breakfast, before being chased out with high speed, by Max.

Spencer looked on, from the kitchen table. Posted by Picasa


At 9:51 am, Blogger Finsology said...

Wee!....A BLACK CAT!

At 11:26 am, Blogger =^..^= said...

HAHAHA! OH my... just look at all that flab spilling over the sides! Did the box explode open soon after?

~5-Cat Style

At 11:31 am, Blogger StampingBetty said...

dig the cats, cute!

At 2:23 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Welcome AverilChan and bettybetty!

Dear 5-C s, the box didn't explode. We remove it before it exploded, to spare Spencer's feelings. She is very sensitive :-p

At 6:42 am, Blogger Lithium Princess said...

Ha ha, that's too funny. That's like me trying to get into pants that have mysteriously shrunk while in my closet!



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