I was lucky enough to catch a documentary on the Queen's 80th birthday last night, on Phoenix TV. It covered her family history, her reign, her effects on the British government and society, and her family life. I knew most of this, as I am a closet Monarchist, but some parts still moved me.
I was born in Brunei, a British colony until 1982. Then I went to Australia, and they LOVE the Queen and the Royal Family. In a way, the Queen has always been there in the background, getting older, but somehow unchanged, the only Queen I had known.
I share your feeling towards the Queen. When she was coronated, I was a primary school girl and we had celebration at home town with fire dragon on the sea and firework at nite.I rode on my 1st sister's neck to watch as i was very short and the crowd was tight then. My dad took us to the seaside garden. It's half a century ago.
It was 52 years ago to be exact.
Brunei was a British protected state, not colony. The independence day was in 1984, not 1982.
As I am from America, my human pet and I cannot claim to be Monarchists like yourself, Cat Aunty, but we understand what it is like to feel a sense of swelling pride over your country's leaders. We're glad you got to watch something on television concerning the Queen!
The only thing we ever get to watch here that might mention Queens (or Kings!) is Most Haunted on The Travel Channel here in the U.S., but on Living TV in the U.K.
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