Last night Sister S was trying to take some shots of Spencer in action. We dangled a piece of treat in frontof Spencer, to make her stand up on her hinds and grab. We did it a few times without much success, the camera shutter was not fast enough. Eventually we let Spencer had her treat. After that, she realised she had been "had", so she stomped off and hid under the bed. Sister S offered her another piece of treat. Spencer refused to budge, and only appeared when Sister S left the room. I had the treat in my hand and I told Spencer: " I will give this to you if you ask nicely." She looked at me, then stepped on the fan, and switched it off with her paws with a loud PIAK!! She got her treat.
There was some cat screaming outside at 5am, not Hat or Mera. I opened the door bleary eyed, and out popped BH2. I closed the door quickly. Spencer was also woken up. Weird, because the night before, Sister S and I were just discussing adopting BH2.
When I woke up again at 8am, BH2 was still loitering at the corridor.

oh cool if you adopt BH2 :)) he is very handsome and lynx -like - like toro. he is the grey tabby right?
Yeah he is the grey tabby. He not handsome lah, he looks a bit gong gong actually.
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