Max: " Yum yum!!"
He is still OK with the medication, and the soreness seems to have subsided a little bit.
I went to order cat food for home delivery today, then went to the supermarkets for grocery and various paper goods.
It was chilly so Spencer slept on the kitchen table, and Hat behind the curtain, in a box.
I went cycling at 3pm, but it started to drizzle. I only managed 2km. The boys were all muddy from playing soccer.
Sister J and I visited an aunt, then we came back and I made a quick pizza dinner. One with vegetables topping, and the other ham and pineapple. Hat came for dinner, then left.
Mera came up for some snacks, I haven't seen him for the whole day actually.
Crunch match between England and Ecuador at 11pm, then Holland and Portugal at 3am.
Seems to me that Max finds it hard to bite his food ?
Well, sometimes. He only has problem with the healthy biscuits. Sometimes the pellets fall to the back of her mouth and he has to roll them with his tongue. He goes through the junk biscuits like a vaccum cleaner.
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