Sunday, June 11, 2006

OK, I know Max will be upset by this. But I agree that he does look like Garfield. I was looking at the movie poster of the up coming Garfield 2, and the coupons from Burger King. Then I realised Garfield is a Persian all along.


At 3:29 pm, Blogger san said...

And a very cheeky and active persian at that! I bought the vcd of Garfiled I for my nephew but have not seen it yet.

At 8:14 am, Blogger Vegie said...

So the laundry man was right all along eh ?

At 9:06 am, Blogger auntie p said...

Garfield is a persian???

Max looks like a wise old sage to me...yeah, along the lines of Yoda. :)

At 7:46 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Dear Vegie, yeah....

Dear auntie p, well, it just seems like Garfield is a Persian, to me. Of course one can interpret it another way. I have a pix of Max looking like Yoda somewhere...


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