Spencer was trying to catch a lizard last night. She was sleeping on the carpet in front of the TV. When I took a peep, she started to meow at me insistently. Then she looked high and low behind the TV and bookshelves. I know when her preys go into hiding, she would expect me to conjure them out of thin air for her. I moved the TV a little bit so she could take a good look. I don't know if she finally caught the lizard, but she was hunting under my bed at 5am, kicking the lamp as a result.

LIZARD!!!!! Let me at it!
hmmm...uncanny resemblance of Zidane to Spencer...only the frowning part I mean.
Spencer to Eternal Sunshine: " I AM NOT BALD!!"
a true hunter neevr gives up the good fight. Right on spencer.
Spencer, nice job gettin the bean to muv furniture fur your hunt. We don't gots lizards in Whiskonsin, but we gots spiders. Mmmmm.
I ripped a lizard to shreds a few weeks ago. It had made the mistake of entering the house so I pulled him in two and ate the top half. I left the innards and tail for my human pet to see what a good boy I was.
I say, good work, Spencer! Show those lizards you mean business!
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