Wednesday, July 12, 2006


A skunk in reverse.

Saw Mera at the void deck when I reached home, and BH2 was rolling on the ground. Mera didn't like it at all. I took him to the 5th floor so he can sleep.

Spencer vomitted on the floor.

Hat still hasn't appeared. Posted by Picasa


At 9:04 am, Blogger auntie p said...

That's a plush fur rug you have there, cat aunty...kekeke...

At 9:14 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

A fur rug with claws, fangs and alarm clock attached. You want or not?

At 11:22 pm, Blogger auntie p said...

No, thank you. I prefer cats without crank, i.e. non-cranky cats. I wonder if Spencer her royal highness even allows you to bathe him....oops, her, I mean.

Why does Spencer vomit every now and then? Ate too much?

At 9:30 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Dear auntie P, Spencer screamed the roof down everytime I bathed her. Then she vomitted.

I think her vomitting is induced by stress and emotional upheavle.


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