What is wrong with this picture?
Well, he is not my cat and he was in my house!!!
This is BH2, by the way.
Last night it rained at 10pm, so Spencer and I went to bed. Then I heard the sounds of cat cruching biscuits, from INSIDE the house. Spencer became very alert, and jumped out of bed. I was trying to see if it was Hat or Mera in the dark, but it was just a grey blob crunching biscuits furiously.
I switched on the light, and three of us screamed. Spencer started to snarl, BH2 hid under the kitchen table, and I tried to shoo him out of the house, before sister S returned.
Sister S returned, and saw BH2 under the table.
She said maybe I shouldn't use the broom to push him out, I should just let him leave quietly. She said maybe BH2 was hungry ( maybe..), his kittens were in danger ( cannot be kua...) or Hat instigated him into it ( very likely!!!). In the mean time, BH2 was croaking, rubbing all over the chair legs, and showing friendliness. But when I approached, he snarled and growled. Spencer was screaming in the other room, because I locked her in there for her safety.
I tried to lure BH2 out with food, but he refused to follow me. I noticed that when Spencer was staring at him, he was more defensive.
So we retreated.
Sure enough, BH2 came out from the table, squeezed beneath the stereo shelf, and fell asleep.
I took Spencer into my room to calm her down. In the mean time, BH2 discovered the joy of catnip, and was rubbing himself all over the scratch board, having a grand old time.
Sister S came out from her bath, and BH2 had proceeded to under the computer table.
And since Spencer didn't give chase, he left quickly. And had his supper outside.

Ya. i think bH2 taking a break from paternal duities and ran into the house for a bit :)) he also sounds hungry cos he keeps giving the calico his food. :)
Waa...that was some excitement with BH2!
BTW, what does BH2 mean? It sounds like a code for some kind of digestive bacteria...haha!
Dear San, I do leave biscuits and water outside for him at night. He is not vaccinated and dewormed, so I was just worried for Spencer.
Dear auntie P, BH2=Big Head 2. We did have a Big Head 1, the alpha male in the neighbourhood, and Mera's nemesis. BH2 looks just like him. BH1 had passed on two years ago, hence Mera's ascendency to the alpha male position.
Wooo, woo! Party at Spencer's! Crunchies and catnip buffet. But BH2 furgot to bring a gift fur the hostess. That must be why she screamed at him. He certainly made himself at home!
Mom says all parents need a break now an then. Does he really do anyfing paternal? I thought toms had no interest in their offspring.
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