Auntycat was waiting for me when I left for work, and I didn't have any biscuits with me. I thought I should bring her upstairs, to have the biscuits which I left outside for Mera.
When she was happily crunching biscuits, the neighbor Old Bear returned from work, and said hello to me.
OB: " Eh, what happen to the ugly cat? "
Me *pointed at Auntycat* : " She is here ah."
OB: " No! Not this one! The other one, the 脸扁扁one...."
Translation: the one with the flat face
Me: ".....oh...Max went home to my sister's place already..."
OB: " Oh I see. He is weird looking hor, 怪怪的....."
Me: "......."
Auntycat *rolling on the floor laughing*

Max: " MY FACE 扁扁 MEH???? I LOOK 怪怪 MEH????"

he looked ok, like a lion..with fur, look like lion, without look like lioness
Wei! Persian cat!
Never! You're always GORGEOUS, Max!
~5-Cat Style
Thanks, folks, for all your encouragements! You guys had always been so kind towards Max. My neighbours are weird lah, but they are tolerant towards the kitties.
Poor Max! You're adorable in your own way, and too bad if those other humans don't like it! I say claw his ankles for that kind of insult!
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