Kindly neighbour's cats, Miaomiao ( above ) and Xiao Mimi.
I went up at 1pm to have my lunch, and check on the kitties. Miaomiao was OK, a bit hostile, and kept staring at me. Then she went to her favourite spot on the couch, and had a wash. I played a bit with Xiao Mimi. She is very sweet and docile.
When I was getting to leave, Miaomiao snarled and growled, amd wanted to scratch me. I wasn't sure what was the reason.

xiao mimi has big ears and big eyes! very pretty
Sorry, the first picture was Miaomiao, and the second, Xiao Mimi.
Sounds like miaomiao does not trust you cat_aunty although she does look very interested in what you're doing :)
Separation anxiety perhaps. Its good that you can take care of them in their own house. That would reduce any anxiety for the kitties. They are both very good-looking cats.
Yes, kindly neighbour loves them very much and takes good care of them. I agree cats should be left at their own homes instead of going to pet hotels.
I agree with San. You're a new person to the two of them, and as a result, they probably are just taking out their stress on you. It's not personal!
They are both very cute!
Dear Zeus, they are both very lucky kitties!
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