BH2: " Waaaaah where are you bringing me to????"
Today is a Red-Letter Day for BH2, because he is going to the vet. Sister J had agreed to give me a lift, so Mera is coming along for his annual shots.
I took the cage out at 1pm, and crabby Spencer immediately went under the bed. I went down to the garden and rang the keys. Hat appeared first, then a groggy Mera came out. I put him on the wardrobe. I found BH2 at the power station, and tried to lure him into the cage with food. He was only half way in, when he retreated again. I wrapped a towel around his waist and tried to shove him in. He resisted half-heartedly. I stood the cage up, and slid BH2's back paws in, and then I pushed his head in. He was really quite docile. Hat came up to see if he was needed. Sensing danger, he ran away.
Then due to some miscommunication, Sister J forgot to bring another cage to transport Mera in. Sister S rose to the ocassion, and fashioned a cat-sack out of a backpack. She wans't too confident with the design, so eventually we called up kindly neighbour, and borrowed a cage off her. Luckily it didn't take her long to find it, because MiaoMiao just went to the vet this morning, for diarrhoea, fungus on the nape and itchy ears.
I woke Mera up from his nap, and put him in MiaoMiao's cage, which was a bit small. The three cats hissed at each other at the kitchen.
Mera grumbled lustily on the car, and BH2 just sat there quietly.
Mera had his booster shots, and is declared healthy, except for some plague build ups on the teeth, and red gums.
BH2's paw is already healing, so no further treatment for him. The vet said he could let BH2 stay overnight, then they will neuter him tomorrow morning, and I can pick him up in the afternoon. It is a good plan, so I told BH2 to be a good boy, and I will see him tomorrow.
Mera screamed all the way back again, and was so excited when I opened the cage to let him take a peep. He wanted to climb all over the seats, like a dog.
When we reached home, Mera ran to the garden. And I gave him some biscuits one hour later as a peace offering.
Spencer didn't get a wink of sleep.

WOAH..kena neuter. Its about time BH2. I'm sure you won't regeret it as how many kittens can you possibly take care of huh? Good luck with the healing process. :) Should be only for 3 days tops :)
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