The first view of the calico's kittens. I only saw three, one ginger/ white and two tabby/white. They were sleeping with mum, and luckily no one spotted them or attempted to scare them. The tabby/white in the foreground is the more mischievious and daring one, the ginger/white is at the left hand side unde the bush. Mum is sitting behind the tabby/white.

Hi. I'm some random person with a blog. I stumbled upon yours and it's great to meet another cat lover. One of my best friends is a cat who is proud to be described as a fanged monster. I am her only friend because I am the only one she doesn't claw/bite on a fairly regular basis for no aparent reason. After many years of building our relationship she has finaly come to veiw me as an equal rather than her servant and is a loving and loyal companion.
Wah, its nice to see them finally. I have been wondering what they looked like.
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