Mera was in the house, so Hat slept on top of the kitchen cabinet, about 15 ft high.
Sister J said dad carried Mera upstairs. Mera allowed himself to be petted, then he left. I was on the phone when I reached home, and Mera bumped his head against my leg, giving me a shock. I told him I couldn't bring him to 5th floor, because his mum was not back yet.
Hat was too afraid of strangers in the house, and refused to eat dinner. A man from the prayer session was talking to him. The man asked if Hat belongs to me, and asked about the ID tag and collar. He told me Hat is very handsome. And he asked about the big orange cat. Normally I am wary of strangers, so I just talked to him a bit, and I brought Hat away.
Saw Mera's mum later, she told me Mera was upstairs already. She said Mera bit her leg the other night, because she promised him the bream flakes but she kept forgetting. She said now she has got two packets, and Mera had forgiven her.

I would have been wary too if someone had been asking me about the animals. I do not have tags and neither does my sister. We stay inside all the time so my human pet never thought to give us any. However, if someone started quizzing her about our lack of tags, I think I would be kind of suspicious.
why are the priets chanting ? Maybe the man was just curious. He seems to know the kitties so he must have been pretty observant. But I don't talk to strangers either about my cats. I am always wary.
Dear San, the monks were for the prayer session downstairs, to appease the lost souls.
In view of the many cat killing incidents in Singapore,one cannot be too careful with strangers.
Oh, then yours must be quite an affaire. I don't have see monks here but maybe they are at central. I live quite far away from the main thoroughfare
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