It rained at 11am, right after I came back from cycling. Then Mera ran into the house, and went straight under the bed. I was doing housework, and I switched on the fan so the floor would dry quicker. Mera came out from under the bed, as if complaining of cold. I put him on the wardrobe, and covered him. He seemed to be satisfied with that. Then it was just drizzling, with bright sun. Mera insisted to leave. Later I found him sleeping at the pergola.
Hat had his breakfast and left. Spencer was playing up, refusing to sleep. Auntycat, BH2 and calico had eaten also, but I didn't see the ginger kitten.
I asked Mera to come up again at 2pm, but he didn't want to. He preferred to sleep under cars. Because I was woken up at 2am, I fell asleep at 2.30pm. Spencer went to bed too.
When I woke up at 4pm, it was raining heavily, again. I heard Mera's bells, and before I could unlock the door, he had already jumped in through the window. He was so wet, he slipped on the floor. I wanted to wipe him, but he hid under the bed again. I had to wait for him to come out, then it was the usual feeding, catnipping and tucking in. He is sleeping now.
Hat came at 4.30pm to escape the rain. He got some early dinner. He is also sleeping now on the sofa. Spencer is snoozing in the store room.

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