Overcast and gloomy. It rained in the morning, with thunders. I heard Mera crunching biscuits outiside, I hope he is alright.
Spencer stayed with Sister S last night, until she fell asleep,then she came into my room and hugged the fan. I put her on my bed, she jumped down to eat biscuits. I put her on again, she ate more biscuits. Finally she jumped up on her own, and settled down.
Didn't sleep well last night, with bad dreams and frequent waking ups.

Wah Hat. What sharp teeth you have!! you must have eaten something really good huh?
Yes, he is missing a left fang. But the vet said it won't give him much problem. The vet was more worried about his bottom tooth, which look greyish.
Wow! What an angle... what a shot!
~5-Cat Style
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