Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Spencer has been a pesky brat for the WHOLE day. Screaming the house down. Refusing to eat. Refusing to use the bins. Wanting to go into the store room and come out in 1 second. Wanting to go out then run in again. More screaming.

Finally at 4.30pm she threw up on the computer table, and on the floor. Then she looked more perky. I went out for a while, and put some lavender in the air revitaliser. When I came back with Feliway, and Ark Naturals Happy Traveller capsules, she seemed to be more calm. She ate some food, and is taking winds outside.

Mera is nodding off on the grass, Hat on the boot of someone's car. Posted by Picasa


At 12:20 am, Blogger CatDonna & Cats said...

2000 posts?
How on earth do you do it?!

Then again you do update very regularly so that makes sense. You are truly prolific.

At 1:53 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

I have blogerdiarrhoea kekeke


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