Thursday, March 22, 2007

I am so tired.
Left work at 9pm last night. One staff had admitted to stealing money from the till, and we called the Police.
Reached home and saw Weirdtom sleeping with crooked head and opened mouth under the block, so I called him for dinner.
Kiki was not too happy to see Weirdtom. I tried to stop him by pouring water on him. He reatliated by spraying on the curtain, in front of me. The pee was plentiful and pungent.
Then Spencer threw up. And was screaming frantically for making such a mess.
I washed the floor to get rid of the urine. After one hour, the smell was gone.
Then I stepped into the vomit which I had forgotten about.
And kicked Spencer's biscuit bowl while I was cleaning up, and toppled it. Biscuits were everywhere.


At 9:40 am, Blogger Priscilla said...

SIgns of overtiredness Cat AUnty. Have some chicken essence.

At 1:15 pm, Blogger kuro.shiro.neko said...

oh dear cat_aunty, sounded like you had a bad day.

do stay cool and chill out like a cat does.

ps spencer's paws so pink, and cute!!


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