This happened on Wednesday night after 10pm.
Mera came up after I reached home. He loitered on the corridor, as if waiting for Hat. Then he ate and groomed himself. I decided to escort him downstairs. He started to puff up and took a defensive pose. Then I saw Hat hiding under the neighbour's flowerpots. I didn't think Mera would attack Hat. WRONG! He went for Hat's jugular, and burrowed underneath and attacked Hat beyond my reach. Actually they didn't make too much noises. It was more my shoutings which drew the neighbours out. They all just stood there and stared. Kiki's owner kept saying : " This is so scary~ so scary~!" while holding and comforting Kiki. In my panic, I tried to deter Mera by hitting him with a sandal, but of course he won't release Hat. The two cats held onto each other and rolled several times on the corridor, furs flied everywhere. Mera was so strong and determined, there was no stopping him. Finally I grabbed the water bottle from another neighbour's house, and poured water on them. They separated immediately. Mera ran up to third floor, Hat hid under the shoe rack. I set up the cage quickly, and let Hat rest inside. He ate a bit, and was very upset, refusing to let me see his wounds. His eyes were puffy, as if he was crying.

Later based on my calculation, the whole thing only took 4 minutes from start to finish, but it felt like a long long time.
Hat fell asleep after grooming under the towel. I was worried that I might have broken Mera's leg in my panic, but I was too tired to look for him.
Hat was looking so upset, as if I was the one who attacked him.
Bad mera! bad, bad boy!!
wonder if my Ah Boy will be tat bad. are all gingers like tat?
Aiyo Hat the blur sotong must have offended the King unknowingly....
I wonder what will happen when your King Mera meets my King Sugar?
Aieee! What happened? Maybe Mera is upset at the changes in his household and then Hat crosses him. This Hat is very blur.
Oh dear, what triggers Mera ?!
Glad that no one suffer any casualty. Good that they are afraid of water with the timely intervention by Cat_aunty.
Scary indeed!
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