Sunday, January 13, 2008

I don't know since when soft drinks become so expensive.

I was paying $1.20 for a can of 300ml Coke Light at the food court in December, and $1.20 for a pet bottle at mom and pop stores.

In January, pet bottle costs $3 at 7-11, and $1.70 for a can. It costs $1.60 now at the foodcourt.

And it was 80c only 20 years ago!!

It is now a luxury item.
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At 9:56 pm, Blogger auntie p said...

That's so exorbitant!
Don't drink them outside if possible. Buy them home (cheaper) to drink.

At 1:20 pm, Blogger EJ. said...

Inflation again.
It was pnly 20-30 cts in the early 70's.


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