Hat got his name because he looks like he is wearing a brown cap. Other people called him Xiao Bai, sometimes I called him Di Di. Hat is about 2 years old and affectionate from day one, after I found him abandoned by his Malay owner because they moved away. Hat officially became a stray, and was subject to all the risks, injuries and illnesses associated with strays. We neutered him eventually so his one ear was clipped. He was met with an accident of unknown nature, suffering injuries to his scalp, ears and face but he recovered from that. There were always bites,scratches and puncture wounds, courtesy of other tomcats.
In March 2004 he was accused of killing someone's pet bird. The angry man was chasing Hat away and threatening to kill him. Some kind neighbours stepped in to intervene and one offered her empty unit to keep Hat indoors. Hat's status was elevated to semi-stray. I would feed him breakfast and he stayed outdoors until I came back from work to give him dinner, and he slept indoors. Sometimes he wanted to sleep in during the days and I would let him out at night. He ate a lot and regularly but hardly put on weight. Others always commented on his lean frame and wondered if he has worms. Hat hated the worm paste, but he still didn't gain weight.
In May 2005, the unit had to be vacated so Hat moved out. I was worried that he was not able to cope after one year of secluded lifestyle and his own personal sleeping basket. After one week, Hat found his own new routine. Now he eats breakfast and dinner at our place, with free flow of dry biscuits and fresh water in between. He can choose to play outside with his friends, or he can have a 10 hours nap on top of my wardrobe. He is quiet and discreet, and sometimes we forget he is at home. Even Spencer does not growl at him anymore. The new lifestyle suits him. He seems happier and his fur is thicker. The fat jowl at one stage was due to a puncture wound filled with pus and not weight gain as I originally thought. And he knows how to jump in through the windows if it rains.
As to whether Hat will be adopted, it is still too early to say as he does not really click with Spencer.
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