Mayo is Kiki's brother. Not from the same litter of course. Mayo is about one year old, a strong and muscular young cat, but very shy and jumpy. We don't think he has been neutered. Mayo was dropped at our door one night, and he was causing a huge racket. I could not adopt him so I took him to the back garden near the church with some food and a prayer. A few weeks later, Mayo was seen with Kiki at a regular basis. 3 months ago Mayo went walkabout and his owner was frantic with worry. She looked high and low and went around the estate to look for him, with no success. When all hopes were lost, Mayo turned up at the doorstep one morning without a hair out of place, and decided to stay home since. Mayo is not very sociable and does not like to be petted. He is always very curious and will try to sneak into our house. He enjoys playing with strings and he only eats biscuits.
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