Windy again. BH2 had resumed his post at the power station but third day with no signs of Auntycat, rather worriying.
Bad cat fightings and caterwauling throughout the night, should be Mera's handowork again.
He came towrds me at the garden just now, and Hat was also waiting. Hat didn't see him coming from behind and started to roll on the floor. In order to preserve the feline hierachy in the household, I took Mera upstairs first. Mera didn't want food, just wanted to sleep.
Hat had finished his breakfast, and crept into Kiki's cubby hole. Spencer was stalking him again, a repeat of previous night's game. But this time Hat took the initiative to pounce at Spencer, and this enraged her very much. Mera was woken up as a result, but went back to bed after Hat retreated back into the cubby hole. Mera had a snack and went to sleep on the wardrobe while Hat sunk into his basket. Spencer is still staring at him angrily from the kitchen.
Spencer's bald patch still looks the same.
No bleeding as far as I can see
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