When I reached home, the neighbourhood was full of smoke and incence smell as it it the first day of Chinese seventh month. I doubt the cats would enjoy the atmosphere.
I heard Mera slept in until late, and ate some wet food. He came back for biscuits and left again.
Spencer didn't vomit, or rather, I have not found her vomit anywhere in the house. A good sign, but plenty of complaints from her. She eventually settled down at the table fan after some food.
I saw neighbour downstairs burning incense when I was bringing Hat up for dinner. We stopped and chatted, Hat didn't like the heat and smoke so I let him wait at one corner. The neighbour commented that he is rather stout now, but he still has a small, snake-like head.
The smoke was getting thicker, so Hat decided to stay in after dinner. He was watching the washing machine spin while Kiki ate his dinner. Then he played with some cat toys and explored the house. The burning seemed to have died down a bit, and I had all the fans on rotating, so the cats left.
Kiki is back again, with Mayo. I heard Mera cruching biscuits outside. I hope he won't get his nose burnt sniffing at the embers. It happened to Miao Miao before.
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