Even now the cubby hole is too small for Spencer...
It rained at 3pm, with thunders. Mera had left, but I thought I had better looked for him at the garden. Sure enough, he was hiding in the drain. Poor boy! he ran upstairs with me, and I carried him in, to avoid Max. I put Mera in the room, with food and water, closed the window and door. Spencer and him had a 2 hour nap in peace.
Max didn't get a wink of sleep, he was playing, snacking and exploring. I think he will sleep well tonight!
I saw Hat at the furniture store, I called him, but he didn't want to follow me. He is still wary of Max. I think it is not safe for him to stay at the furniture store, because the Indian flower shop owner had threatened to kill Hat, two years ago. Hat, with his pea brain, had forgotten how that guy had beaten and chased him, and the son had stepped on his tail. I saw the boy today, I think he is of limited IQ, and great cruelty.

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