Overwhelming suggestions given as to how to clean Hat's ear, without my hands being shredded:
1) Sister J suggested tying him up, 2 paws together, like a wild boar. Cats are great escape artist, so I think Hat will slinker his way out very quickly.
2) Vegie suggested blindfolding, or use catnip to make Hat groggy. Hat doesn't respond to catnop actually. And I couldn't find a cat-sized blindfold.
3) Sister S tried wrapping Hat in a sarong, the knot tied at the back of his neck, and his paws enclosed. With disastrous result.
4) My staff suggested knocking Hat unconscious, then tie his 4 paws to the bedposts. Too violent.
5) Colleague suggested drugging Hat with alcohol or cough syrups. I don't know if this is safe. Anyway, she tried it on her dog, it didn't work. The dog became more excited after vodka/ glucose mixture.
6) Sister S had another idea. Enclose Hat in a bolster case, and tie the drawstring at his neck, so his paws are enclosed, like a sausage. I had already bought a kid bolster case, on stand by.
7) Jennifer suggested wrapping Hat in a towel mummy style, one person holding him, while the other giving the eardrop. It is similar to the sarong method.
Each suggestion has its merits. I just have to find a best way.

Wear a pair of think jeans and thick long sleeve shirt. Cover face with ski mask. Wear thick leather gloves. Get a friend dressed in the same manner to hold Hat down while you dig for gold.
I did that to 2 violent cats (not strays but these cats don't belong to me too) last time and it worked. Though I did not dress as suggested, I only got one scratch. But the whole episode got my heart pumping very very fast.
I choose the sarong mummy-style. That seems best. I tried the sarong style on Bujang. I wrapped him up from the back with a thick piece of blanket for babies. Then I kind of snuggle him close to my chest. I managed to clip all the 5 nails of his right paw. Even if I got only one paw I thought it was quite successful. But now he is going to the groomers at the end of the week for the other 3. Hahaha
Err thank you kxbc. I think by the time I finish dressing up, the cat go already. Haha.
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