Count Meracula: " I...want....your...blood...too...."
It was almost 11pm when I reached home. Spencer was sleeping already, no sign of the others. Now the strays are down to one feed a day, and Mera and BH2 do come up to snack in the middle of the night.
I told dad that Spencer has been upset. He asked if:
a) Spencer misses Max
b) I had been rearranging the furnitures
c) Max didn't say goodbye to her
He is funny.
I did put an air freshener in the store room, to cover the smell of the cat food. Spencer was most upset by it. She demanded I opened the store room door, took a whiff at it, screamed, and walked away. Then she repeated it many many times. I finally removed the offending source of smell, aired the room, and put her basket back in. She fell asleep. Cheh, what a Diva!

Bonnie doesn't like certain smells, either. Like toothpaste. As soon as someone reaches for toothpaste, she leaves. I think it's neat to watch my beans brush their teeths.
cat_aunty, you're keeping vampires, not cats! hohoho...
Dear Victor Tabbycat, Spencer doesn't like minty smell at all, and treats all air freshner sprays with suspicion.
Dear bokchoy, it was blood stains haha. He does have these stains on his lips, eye sockets, nostrils and gums. The vet said it was just dirt....
Dear KSN, I must have been watching too much Supernatural on AXN.
It's not just dirt. My V-E-T told me it was a part of the breed, and all ginger tabbies get them at some point in their life. My black spots are along my lips on the inside. I think they give me character!
Dear Zeus, thanks for the info. I was worried that they might be tumours.
my weiwei also has the black spots!
so it's really a genetic thing eh!
I've seen those tiny black spots/marks on gingers' lips. I thought they might be moles or freckles which some cats develop.
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