Sister J arrived at 8pm with dinner. Max was happy, meowing a few times, and looking excited. His eyes seemed OK. He kept asking for food. I gave him some wet food, and hand-fed him biscuits. Then it was the usual face-cleaning. Spencer was sulking initially, but came out to say hello later. When everything was packed and ready to go, I put Max's cage on the table, and he actually tried to jump in. I was surprised he was actually aware of the whole situation. I took him to Spencer to say goodbye. When I put him into the car, he kept meowing softly. Most probably saying thank you!
Once Max left, Spencer went back to her elements, and started to talk loudly and plenty. She ate biscuits, and had a good wash in her basket.
Hat saw Sister J downstairs, and he seemed to realise Max was leaving. He asked for dinner. During the last few nights, Auntycat appeared, but Hat was nowhere to be seen. It is usual for him to skip dinners, when Max is around. Clever Hat!

Aiyo...so sweet of Max....
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