Monday, June 26, 2006

He had been maligned and ridiculed, his personal life is a mess, his wife giving him problems and breaking his credit cards. Some girls in Spain may be having his baby. His name is not as bankable as before. He sounds like Mickey Mouse.

However, you gotta respect a guy who matures as the years go by, learning his lessons, uniting his team mates, and get the job done.


At 8:56 am, Blogger Vegie said...

Ya man, never judge a person too early. This guy do win my respect after the 1-0 goal.

But I thought Holland's defeat was shocking eh.

At 2:58 pm, Blogger pathfinder said...

I admire his patience. A maturity he has since learned after the sending off against argentina. The press and critics hav been horrible to him and his family and were it not for him the English team would be watching the remaining World Cup at home...sipping tea and eating scones.


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