It was very very warm last night, so I went to the air con room. After a while, Spencer joined me, screaming her head off. I put her onto the bed, she stepped all over me, and settled down in the crook of my legs. She has never done that before.
At 9pm, Sister S came to tell me CSI is starting. I showed her Spencer, so we quickly placed some pillows around her so Spencer could still feel enclosed and secured.
At 10pm, Spencer was sound asleep, at the spot under the alarm clock where Hat used to sleep. Max decided to join the club, but he took the other end of the bed. Luckily the two kitties didn't fight, Max fell asleep very quickly, probably worn out by the diarrhoea. Spencer snuggled under her blanket.
I woke up at 3am, to switch off the fan because I was coughing again. The cats were still in the same position, Max snuggling to Sister S, and Spencer against the bedhead. When she saw me, she shouted happily, and I gave her some biscuits.

Wow Spencer has the look of lady in Rembrandt's painting...hehehe
Yes, she has a very beautiful face. Just the body and the temperament...a bit...ahem...
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