Another hot and humid day. The decongestant tablet made me alert last night, and I watched TV until 12mn. Then I read a bit while Spencer snored on.
I had borrowed a big cage to house BH2 in, when he comes back from his ops. Mera and Hat had stayed in the same cage during their ops, Mera more so than others, because of his various injuries.
I hope BH2 is OK at the vet, not crying or scared.
The vet told me they would feed him Science Diet dinner at 10pm last night, thought I doubt BH2 would appreciate the food. He is more into smelly Friskies. Another lady vet will do the ops on him this morning.
The vet assistant told us it was lucky we didn't come in the morning, because it was very crowded, and the waiting time was one hour, even with appointment. I suggested to her getting another vet on duty, she said all the owners specified they wanted our vet. Then she and two other surgery assistants guffawed. When we left, one of them was sweeping the pavement outside.

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