BH2 resting in the morning. He didn't stir until 9am, then he jumped down and waited for his breakfast. I hope the calico didn't scold him for disappearing. BH2 looked OK, just a bit tired, and slight limping. The tatoo in his ear is not very well done, just a blob of something. Hat had a letter P in his ear, in aboriginal dots.
Hat had a bit of breakfast, and went out to eat biscuits. Mera was still suspicious of me, he rolled in the soil, refusing to get up. Auntycat also preferred biscuits today, so Hat ate her leftovers.
Spencer is having bladder problem again. She pee-ed 7 times yesterday morning, and 4 times this morning.
BH2=Big Head II. There was a Big Head I, who has very similar coloring. He was a unneutered tom king in the neighbourhood, and Mera was dead scared of him. He was the one who almost amputated Mera's tail, plus various other injuries. BH I passed away in 2004, and only then Mera ascended the throne, to become the alpha tom.

This is a nice pic with the red and black and a cat sitting under the sun - its very Hans Silvester-ish. Hans Silvester is the guy who took pictures of the cats in Greece and Venice. I really love his books.
If BH2 has a tipped ear, why tattoo him also? Toro has a tattoo of an O in little dots as I didn't eant the vet to tip his ear.
Will look for for Hans Silvester the next time I am in Kinokuniya.
The vet offered tip AND tatoo, so I just said yes.
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