These two kitties didn't do anything productive today. They slept through the day. Spencer did try to stay up, out of loyalty, but she snoozed on her scratch board by 12pm. Hat took his position on the sofa, digging his claws into my back while I watched TV.
Mera popped by at 4.30pm. He had his biscuits, treats, catnips and play, then he conked out too, until 6.30pm. He was miffed because Auntycat was calling outside for dinner. I fed her, and escorted her downstairs, but not fast enough. Mera had already jumped out from the window with a thud, and Auntycat ran downstairs as quickly as her deformed paws could allow. They had a scuffle downstairs. When I went down, Mera was chasing Hat all over the garden. I brought a huffy Mera to the 5th floor to his mum.
Another kitten spotted, the tabby/white. They are very close to the mum, huddling together and grooming each other. BH2 appeared too.

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