Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lion cometh!

Not until the 24th! Sister J has to go Thailand again. *collective groans from cats*

I bought a new camera already, Canon IXUS 6, from Parisilk at Lorong Liput. Harvey Norman sells for $499, with one free 1 GB memory card and 1 extra battery. Parisilk sells for $449, with the same freebies. However, it is best to do your homework beforehand, as the Parisilk salesmen may not give you much information on the products.

After that I went to the Pets Lovers Centre, to get some Christmas gifts for my friend. She has 6 dogs. And things are not going so well for her, work and family wise. I also got a new food mat and a cat toy for Spencer, and a rubber shower mitt for dad's dogs.

Hat has recovered sufficiently to eat dinner at home. He is finally convinced that Max has left the building. Posted by Picasa


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