Spencer has been crabby for the whole day. It could be the pressure sysytem. It could be the noises from the several Malay weddings around the blocks. It could be I was busy tidying, cleaning and sorting Christmas presents. It finally rained at 6pm. Mera was sitting grumpily at the staircase, so I put him under the bed. He left once the rain had stopped. Kiki dropped by too, staring at Mera, stuffing his face, singing, and peeing in the toilet. YIKES!!! The heavy rain bothered him too, so he left after that. Hat had also eaten his dinner.
Spencer finally could get some quiet time, while I wrote tonnes of Christmas cards.
I have been a good girl all year round!
Have you written out the list and checking it twice?
I 'd better be on your list! Or else.....
...too sleepy.....must snooze.....
The kids sized Stitch blankie I got from Mini Toons. It is very soft and snuggly. The two cushion covers are new, quite good value as they are thick and well stictched.
Whah2 Spencer looks pretty cosy, all reday for egg nog and purresents. she doesn't mind being covered up like that?
She doesn't mind if it is chilly
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