We had a Christmas party at 3pm, with the staffs. There were turkey, potato salad, macaroni salad, seafood pizza and ice cream log cake. The kids did eat a lot, which was good. But they got sugar highs afterwards. And I was glad I had asked them to eat at one corner instead of in the office. The noises would have driven me mad! Of course no one did any work.
Then we had lucky dip for the Christmas gifts. Each person was supposed to contribute one gift with a $5 budget. There was this chunky, heavy gift in Takashimaya wrapper, and the kids were all aiming for this "Big Prize".
It was won by one of the staffs. And when she unwrapped it, it was 2 tubes of Colgate toothpaste, banded with a Doraemon lunchbox. Oh dear.
We had to laugh.
Arghhhh! I wouldn't even give something like that to my enemy! It must be such a letdown.
How "thoughtful" of the giver, to keep one's teeth clean and bright.
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