We had yu-sheng for dinner today, with rice, stir-fried broccoli with Chinese sausages and shitake mushrooms, and chicken soup double boiled with pears and red dates.
Then we had 汤圆.
Spencer is still in a state, grumbling and asking for attention. I had shown her 4 kinds of wet food and 3 kinds of biscuits. She didn't want all of them.
Mera had dropped by for dinner, Kiki too.
Wah yu-sheng again, yum yum! I had tang yuen too last night, the black sesame paste one! Very yummo!
Why so diva, Spencer?
Dear auntie P, Spencer is DIVA reincarnated. DIVA is her middle name. And she has a collar with the words DIVA CAT all around it.
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