Today is the 15th day in the first month of the lunar calendar, or 元宵, officially the last day to celebrate Chinese New Year.
We had a full lunar eclipse this morning, I think only those in Taiwan, Korea, China, Africa and Europe could see it.
In Taiwan, today is as important as the first day of CNY. Each cities have thier own lantern festivals, with giant lanterns in various designs, fireworks, laser shows, firecrackers and night markets. I saw on CTI that Placido Domingo attended the Taipei Lantern Festival last night.
汤圆, also called 元宵, is the must-eat for today.
There is also major 锋炮 and 火龙 activities in the town of 盐水 in Taiwan. I had been watching it on TV for years, and all I could deduce, is a big group of men ( maybe ladies ) in helmets and jackets, running about among exploding firecrackers. Some of them just danced on the spot, among exploding firecrackers. Some of them would throw firecrackers to 炮台. The more gung-ho ones 寒单, wearing nothing except a pair of red pants and red headband, would be carried in sedan-chairs, among the exploding firecrackers.
I also read that single ladies may throw oranges into the rivers tonight, praying for a good marriage. This custom only seems to prevail in South-East Asia.
Personally, I prefer just the lanterns.
and of course I don't think the ENV people would be pleased to see oranges in the rivers..:)
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