Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bathed Spencer this morning, because she has been scratching lately. She did the usual screaming acts, but I am sure the bath made her feels better. After that she calmed down quickly, and actually looked happier.

I wanted to bath Hat and Mera too, but Hat vanished after breakfast, and Mera didn't even want breakfast. Sister S said she saw both at 2pm, when the danger was over.

Kiki came at 4pm for afternoon tea. Ate 2 cans.

I gave the weirdtom an extra tub of biscuits. He is really quite docile.
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At 6:20 pm, Blogger san said...

Ok. I question. How do you bathe the cats? i'm sure they would try to scratch you. i was wondering if I can bathe megat myself. Not bujang though as he is a devil when it comes to water.

At 8:35 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Erm. I just bundle them quickly into the bathroom, with towels and shampoos on the ready. Then I splash warm water on the body, tummy and legs but not the head,soap, rinse, condition and rinse again. They do walk about in the bathroom screaming, but the bathroom is small and the water pipe long. I carry them by the chest to move them about. After that I towel them.

Only Hat will scratch when I wipe his face and ears. I use the towel to cover his face and wipe quickly.

The others, Spencer, Mera, Max, Yb, are very cooperative.

At 11:47 am, Blogger auntie p said...

Waa, cat aunty still can use shampoo plus conditioner, which will lengthen the bathing process!

I have bathed several cats including strays that don't quite know me yet, and I must say most are quite cooperative, although they will try to get away, but we must persist and be authoritative about it.

I will prepare a tub of very warm water and use the warm shower as well. I use a combined moisturing shampoo and I talk to them throughout, hoping to calm them down, then just do everything chop chop and finish quickly. But now I can always get uncle S to help out, although his male presence may scare some shy cat a bit initially, like Jackie. :P

At 10:04 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

I found that it is better if I just kept quiet and do everything "chop chop", be it male or female cats. I am not sure why Jackie had that reaction though.....?


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