Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mera appeared once I reached home, though I didn't see him at the garden. He ate fish.

Spencer ate with him.

Hat was in the house when I left for work. He was still there when I reached home. He went back to bed after dinner. I think he hasn't step out the house for the last 48 hours. Sister S nagged at him, saying that he will sprout fungus. I wonder if Hat is ill, or he is just hibernating.

Spencer still has not recovered from her urine problem. She is still running to the bins up to 10 times a day. And she has soft stools. Sigh.
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At 12:59 am, Blogger andophiroxia said...

My cat had a similar issue. Perhaps you should feed her hairball remedy. Sometimes the hair gets a bit packed in the stomach so that it blocks the opening, so the food and water just bounces back up. She also had soft stools. Ever since I have been administering the hairball remedy according to instructions, her stools are now normal and she ceases to throw up. You may try that. If she is 9, then that is probably about the age that you should start doing that in earnest. My cat is 10.

At 5:24 am, Blogger Par said...

Hope Spencer get well soon!

At 10:44 am, Blogger EJ. said...

Hope your bladder get normal soon, Spencer.

Hmm...Hat's overstaying.
At least he likes staying indoor.


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