Sunday, December 09, 2007

You know you always see in glossy magazines and TV ads this time of the year: pretty lady with no hat, short dress, maybe just a muff, with high heels, pracing about in the snow shopping, carrying all her holiday purchases in her two hands, with NO plastic bags.

Now how can that be possible!

Sister S, who had worked in USA and Germany the last three winters, told me it is near to impossible. At most you can stay like that in the snow, for, say, 10 seconds.

Then how are you going to navigate the side streets, alleys, traffic, mugglers, other pedestrians; with both your hands full?

Dear creative directors of the ad agencies, you all try to do it in Singapore on Orchard Road, on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and survive in one piece, then you come and tell me!
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At 5:48 pm, Blogger EJ. said...

Yeap, so cold at times that I dread taking pictures even with gloves on.


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