It rained at 7.45am and Hat was calling to be let in. I fed him and I think he went to bed on top of the wardrobe after that.
Then at 9.30am I heard Mera loitering outside so I let him in also. It was still a bit cold and windy. He snacked on some biscuits. Hat heard him so he jumped down and glared at him just inside the door but he went back up again, thinking it was safer.
Mera finished his breakfast and strolled into the room to stare at Hat. Hat's ears were flattened and he had a very uneasy expression. I tried to move Hat so Mera could sleep on top of the wardrobe, but Hat refused and he actually looked very stubborn and determined. So I put Mera on my bed with his catnip pillow, he seemed quite satisfied but he was still aware of Hat's presence 3 feet above.
Hat was still in high alert after 2o minutes, he just couldn't relax with Mera in the same room, even after I covered him with a towel. Mera started to rub against the catnip, and that alarmed Hat even more. At last he couldn't take the pressure, so he escaped through the window. And immediately after that, Mera relaxed considerably also and really fell asleep.
Later I found Hat forlorn at the garden so I set up another basket bed for him on the shoe cabinet. He ate a bit, tried to hide in Kiki's cubby hole, and decided basket bed was still best, surrounded by his toys, as it was also his personal bed at the 5th floor.
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