An overcast, warm day.
Did the usual cleaning, mopping, laundry, topping up catfood and marketing. Spencer was very talkative, and kept getting underfoot. She talked very loudly, ambushed me from under the bedsheets, and asked to go out many times. She sat on whatever magazines I was tidying. I think she was actually having fun. After that she rest in her basket on the bed, and moved to the sofa later, sleeping under the covers.
She woke up at 5pm, had some biscuits, and went back to bed. Merah popped by at 6.30pm. I always feel previledged when he drops by. He had some biscuits, sniffed around the house and left.
Now Spencer is sitting outside. I think she doesn't mind visitors dropping, but she much prefers being the sole cat of the household!

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