This boy was caught eating the fat biscuits meant for the strays. He loves them, but they cause diarrhoea. And he can go through them very quickly, much quicker compared to when he was eating his special biscuits!
Max is not shy at all. He can sit on the corridor all day, looking at neighbours walking up and down.
This morning, the laundryman came, to collect dryclean and some bulky items to be cleaned. We had always known him to be a very blur uncle. Today he addressed me as my sister, and took ages to calculate the amount to be paid. Just then, Max came out from the kitchen.
Laundryman: " That's a Persian! "
Me: " Yeah..."
Laundryman: " Do you know that Persian urine is very difficult to clean from the carpets? I have clients...I have to clean for them, 4 to 5 times, then the smell will go away!"
Me: " ..."
Laundryman: " 5 times smellier than the local cats' one, you know!"
Me: "..."
Laundryman: " So, how many cats you have ah?"
Max went outside to sit under the sun.
One hour later, I was hanging laundry, and Max was still sitting outside. My neighbour came back from somewhere, and saw Max staring at him.
Neighbour, to someone inside the house: " Eh got cat!"
Me: " Its ok, he is mine. "
Neighbour: " Your cat sick ah?"
Me: " Where got sick?!"
Neighbour: " If not sick why face like that?"
Me: " It is a Persian, Persians look like that."
Neighbour, not convinced: " Then why the fur like that?"
Me: " He used to have long fur, but it is too warm, so we shaved it."
Neighbour: " Then he is sick lah."
Me and Max, under our breath : " .....kanasai!"

Hahahahahah.... !
Ahahaha SO FUNNY leh!
You are sooo funny. I haven't been here for a while so I have a lot to catch up on.
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